Thursday, January 17, 2019

How To Take Care of Polycarbonate Dinnerware

How To Take Care of Polycarbonate Dinnerware

How To Take Care of Polycarbonate Dinnerware- Polycarbonate dinnerware may be virtually unbreakable but it still needs to be taken care of properly in order for it to last a long time. As with any catering equipment, you want to get your money's worth. There are few things that you need to take into consideration when you own polycarbonate dinnerware.

· You should never place this crockery on direct heat. This will damage it permanently. You may place it in a warming cupboard as long as it does not exceed 80 degrees Celsius. Also avoid warming it for more than one hour.

· Polycarbonate dinnerware is suitable for reheating in the microwave oven but it is not suitable for cooking food. As tough as you may think this catering equipment is, don't be tempted to cook food in it either on the stove or in the oven.
How To Take Care of Polycarbonate Dinnerware
How To Take Care of Polycarbonate Dinnerware

· It is dishwasher safe and will last you a lifetime with normal levels of heat and detergent, but avoid bleach or abrasive detergents. This could damage the gloss finish of the polycarbonate dinnerware.

· Dishwasher temperatures should be between 60 and 65 degrees Celsius for the wash cycle and between 70 and 85 degrees Celsius for the rinse cycle. If temperatures are higher it may lead to the deterioration of the material. The high heat could cause it to melt and become distorted in its shape.

· Whichever detergent or rinse aid you choose, ensure that it is compatible with the polycarbonate dinnerware. Also make sure that you use the correct dosage. If you use too much or let it soak for too long it could shorten the life of the polycarbonate dinnerware.

· When washing this catering equipment by hand try not to use the abrasive side of the sponge or a nylon brush because this could scratch the surface and ruin the gloss finish or, possibly, the material itself.

· If you find small scratches on the surface buff it lightly with a lens cleaning cloth and this should remove them.

· Strong solvents may cause permanent damage to the polycarbonate dinnerware, so avoid using it. It's not worth the risk if you want it last you a lifetime.

Polycarbonate dinnerware has a high gloss finish that gives it that porcelain appearance which is quite eye catching. It is easy to clean while being durable and resilient. As with any type of catering equipment it is always beneficial to know how to take care of it to ensure a longer lifespan.

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